Although Texas has "opened up" that does not mean that youth are still not struggling with what has occurred over the past year.YTIA is committed to helping youth transition out of the system and not just age out. We invite youth, caregivers, caseworkers, and CASA volunteers to join the conversation. We do not want to "get back to normal" we want to keep moving forward. YTIA is here to support and assist youths to reach their goals and finish their journey through the foster care system. The struggle is Real but the journey is WORTH IT! Stay tuned for our 2023 relaunch of "Let's Talk Thursdays".
On July 2, 2020 we invited Allison Cochran-Fennel, from STAR Health/Superior Health, to discuss helping youths keep up with their health insurance (Medicaid) after leaving foster care. We took notes about this session. Here are the HEALTH CARE NOTES, along with Allison's contact information.
Although we did not specifically discuss it, dental benefits are available as well. Here is a list of DENTAL CARE PROVIDERS.
Although we did not specifically discuss it, dental benefits are available as well. Here is a list of DENTAL CARE PROVIDERS.
On July 9, 2020 we invited Brandi Purswell and Drew Melton, BCFS, ETV Specialists, who discussed Education Training Vouchers. ETV is a federally-funded, need-based benefit for youths in foster care. Here is the PowerPoint Presentation for this discussion with a lot of the information you need for this incredible benefit. If you want just a "snapshot" of the presentation, here are the ETV NOTES, along with contact information for Brandi and Drew.
On July 16, 2020, we hosted a discussion about "Civil and Criminal Consequences of Youths' Actions During COVID-19". We were joined by the Honorable Stephanie Boyd, Judge of the 187th Judicial District Court of Bexar County, and Assistant District Attorney, Jamissa Jarmon. Here are some of the notes from the lively discussion we had talking about CONSEQUENCES.
On July 23, 2020, we hosted a discussion about life after foster care that I call a "Reality Check". Our guest speaker was Aubrey, a youth who spent several years of her life in foster care. Now as a young independent adult, she reflected on things she's learned. Here are HIGHLIGHTS (click HIGHLIGHTS) from Aubrey's remarks.
On July 30, 2020, we had a lively discussion that centered mainly around school (all levels) starting back up. The consensus seemed to be that everyone is ready to go back to school even though there are concerns (about the spread of the virus) and that there will be restrictions (i.e., masks, social distancing, etc.). No real notes were taken because everyone just enjoyed the topic and putting in their opinions. Another interesting discussion is planned for next week, join us!
On August 6, 2020, our chat was about ?Voter Registration and Voting". Our guest presenter was Selene Gomes, Outreach Director for VoteRiders. Highlights from her comments are found HERE.