YTIA provides the support TEAM youth need to go from Dependence to INDEPENDENCE

YTIA has published four booklets to help youths develop a transition plan and they are available to youths for free.
Our latest booklet is "Jobs & The JOY of Working" because working is both necessary and can be joyful if you like what you are doing.
These booklets are provided during a youth's "Circle of Support" or at the one-day "Aging Out" seminars sponsored by DFPS Preparation for Adult Living (PAL). If you haven't gotten these booklets but want them, just send us a contact ("Contact Us") or give us a call at (210) 256-1888. We'll send them right out!
Our latest booklet is "Jobs & The JOY of Working" because working is both necessary and can be joyful if you like what you are doing.
These booklets are provided during a youth's "Circle of Support" or at the one-day "Aging Out" seminars sponsored by DFPS Preparation for Adult Living (PAL). If you haven't gotten these booklets but want them, just send us a contact ("Contact Us") or give us a call at (210) 256-1888. We'll send them right out!
WANT TO SPONSOR OUR NEXT PUBLICATION? YTIA is always working on a written publications to help the youths we are proud to serve. If you would like to support our projects, please consider making a donation. Simply send your contribution, earmarked for "Publications" to: YTIA, Post Office Box 29256, San Antonio, Texas 78229, or donate on-line through our "DONATE" button. Thanks.

The G.A.P. Tool-Kit, is already getting a workout. This publication is used by youths to create a vision of their future. Workshops on the use of this Tool-Kit are being taught on an individual or group basis. We are also very proud to be sharing the Tool-Kit with caseworkers. The Tool-Kit does not take the place of the Circle of Support meeting (wherein a youth discusses his/her future) but provides a means by which the youth's thoughts and ideas are brought into focus before attending that meeting.
The "Tool-Kit" is undergoing a revision and will be out very soon!
The "Tool-Kit" is undergoing a revision and will be out very soon!
“When you age out, there’s no more state caring for you," "That’s what it felt like. For a lot of kids, there’s a sense of community or security with your case worker or foster home. But once your case is dismissed, that’s it.”
“Every child, no matter what the circumstances into which they are born, deserves the same loving support, encouragement and resources as our own children.”
Despite emerging supports, states are struggling to meet the needs of older foster youth, and many teens, not seeing any advantage to staying in care, voluntarily “age out” at 18 or after high school graduation even though very few of them are capable of establishing a successful independent life without family or community support.